Intro to Data Science with Python

Empower your team to leverage data science and machine learning using Python.

Intro to Data Science with Python

What will I learn?

  • Start and complete a data science project using Python.
  • Read, clean and wrangle data from a .csv file using Python.
  • Visualize data with informative graphs and plots.
  • Become familiar with Python’s most popular machine learning functionality.
  • Build and tune a machine learning model to make predictions.
  • Learn the basics of AI and its most common use cases.


Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis

Review Python notions such as data structures and control flow, and learn the basics of data analysis using the Pandas library.

Data Visualization and Advanced Analysis

Learn how to aggregate, summarize and visualize data in Python using libraries such as Pandas and Matplotlib. Also, learn important strategies for data cleaning and troubleshooting using advanced Pandas functionality.

Machine Learning Fundamentals

Learn how to make accurate predictions from data using the Scikit-learn library, and how to validate, interpret and communicate the insights you uncover.

Why Edlitera?

Build the coding, data and AI skills you need, online, on your own schedule. From learning to code as a beginner to mastering cutting-edge data science, machine learning and AI techniques.

Learning for the real world

Our courses are made with the input and feedback of top teams at Fortune 500 companies in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.

No-fluff learning

Each minute of each course is packed full of insight, best practices and real-world experience from our expert instructors.

Learn by doing

Start writing code on your computer from Day One. Practice on hundreds of exercises. Apply your skills in mini-projects. Get instant feedback from video solutions.

Complete learning tracks

With over 150 hours of video lectures and hundreds of practice exercises and projects, our learning tracks will help you level up your skills whether you are a novice or an advanced learner.

What people are saying

"I walked into the bootcamp with some basic Python syntax and walked out with a much stronger, contextualized grasp of Python, an understanding of common mistakes, the ability to solve basic coding problems, and confidence in my ability to learn more."

Randi S., Edlitera Student
Randi S., a graduate of Edlitera's Python training bootcamp

"I wanted to learn Python and be able to process data without being tied and limited by Excel and macros. These classes gave me all the tools to do so and beyond. The materials provided, the engagement of the class by the tutors and their availability to help us were excellent."

Gaston G., Edlitera Student
Gaston G., a graduate of Edlitera's Python training bootcamp

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)?
2. What is the format of this course?
3. Can you tweak the content of the course for my team?
4. What if I have other questions?

Have a question?

Contact us any time, we’d love to hear from you!